Thursday, March 19, 2020

Select Board Meetings Held Every Two Weeks


Dear Wentworth Residents,

For the purpose of conducting required business for the Town of Wentworth, we will be holding regular Select Board meetings every two weeks scheduled at their usual times on Tuesdays beginning on March 24, 2020.  At this point in time, these meetings will be physically open to the public.

Having said that, we are strongly encouraging everyone to adhere to the suggested guidelines set forth by our State and Federal agencies advising us that we need to restrict the number of people who gather together in one space, and that we need to be diligent in keeping our social distances between one another.

Because Governor Sununu has declared a "State of Emergency" in the State of New Hampshire, and that we are in the midst of a nationwide and even worldwide health crisis, we continue to urge you not to physically attend any Select Board meetings unless it is out of necessity.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Wentworth Select Board