Thursday, August 2, 2018

Warning: High E. Coli Reported in Wentworth

Please be aware that the water test results are back from NH Public Health Laboratories.  The message that was received discusses that Wentworth is having trouble at the Silver Bridge (Saunders Hill Rd.) again.  It also states that the Town Park Hamilton Field is remarkably high also, considering that just upstream values are only 20 counts per 100 mL.  

May 29th:
Silver Bridge   -  <10
Town Beach Hamilton Field   -  10
Town Park (Riverside)   -   <10

July 5th:
Silver Bridge   -   100
Town Beach Hamilton Field   -  70
Town Park (Riverside)   -   20

The two locations: Town Beach at Hamilton Field & The Silver Bridge at Saunders Hill Rd. have been posted with fluorescent orange signs stating the issues, concerns and levels of E-Coli.

Currently, The Hamilton Field gate and a tree near the swim hole area, are posted with info stating to "Swim at own Risk" and the Saunders Hill Rd. (Silver Bridge) is currently closed. "No Swimming allowed". If you have any questions, please call the Selectmen's Office at (603) 764-9955.