Thursday, May 17, 2018

Property Inventories (PA28)

A friendly reminder:   

The Selectmen's Office has not received many (approx. 200) of the completed 2018 Inventory of Taxable Property forms as required by RSA 74:7a, which were due no later that April 15th. 

On behalf of the Select Board,  we are asking that you please send in your forms or stop by the office for another copy. Let's keep the costly postage fees to a minimum, by returning your forms today. 

You can find instructions to assist you in filling out this form, on the back side.  Please insure that all 7 steps are completed. (If no one lives at the property, please indicate so by "0" or "none" on step 5).  Also, be sure that both property owners (if applicable) sign Step 7.

Beginning the first week of June, letters will be sent out with a new Inventory form attached, for your convenience.  This will be the Second Notice.  The completion of that mailing must be received by our office, no later than July 12th, 2018, to prevent being penalized, by which will be reflected on your second tax bill.

Should you have any questions, please contact the office at: (603) 764-9955.
Respectfully, Arlene